Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina

6 records for Etheostoma fusiforme in Tyrrell County.

2501062PercidaeRiders Creek, SR 1105 [Bodwell Road] bridge, [ca. 1.4 air] miles [SSE center] ColumbiaTyrrell35.89834-76.246597297/20/1964NCWRC (Smith and Baker)NCSMTracy et al.
2501612PercidaeAlligator River, at Cherry Ridge Landing, off of SR 1320 [S Gum Neck Road], [ca. 16.0 air miles SSE center Columbia], [see remarks]Tyrrell35.7035-76.141296397/27/1964NCWRC (Smith)NCSMTracy et al.
2501633PercidaeBee Tree Canal at SR 1120 bridge [Sawyer Road], 4.2 air miles S Woodley, [ca. 22.2 air miles ESE center Plymouth]Tyrrell35.83301-76.355461127/16/1964NCWRC (Baker and Smith)NCSMTracy et al.
2501644PercidaeScuppernong River, at NCWRC Access Area, [at end of Boat Ramp Road (SR 1228)] off US 64, [ca. 1.4 air] miles [W center] of ColumbiaTyrrell35.91963-76.27673347/21/1964NCWRCNCSMTracy et al.
2502943PercidaeThe Frying Pan, off SR 1308, at Frying Pan Landing, [ca. 11.6 air miles SE center Columbia]Tyrrell35.799-76.104499827/23/1964NCWRCNCSMTracy et al.
2502993PercidaeNorthwest Fork, 1.0 mile downstream from NC 94 bridge, [ca. 14.2 air miles SSE center Columbia]Tyrrell35.71854-76.188293467/15/1964NCWRCNCSMTracy et al.